Doctoral Forms
Last Updated: Jan 02, 2025, 10:15 AM
The PDF fillable forms linked in the Doctoral Forms navigation area, are required to be completed as part of your journey to earn your doctoral degree, and include:
Common Forms
Ph.D. Program of Study Form
Ph.D. Program of Study Form -- is your agreement with the academic unit regarding your area of study
Graduate Faculty Committee Approval Form
Graduate Faculty Committee Approval Form -- is used once the student’s doctoral committee is finalized, he/she should complete the Doctoral Dissertation Committee Form and the academic program will forward it to the SIUC Graduate School. Should the student wish to change committee membership, the student or any member of the committee must request this change in writing to the Dean of the School and submit revised Doctoral Dissertation Committee Forms.
Approved Changes to Ph.D. Form
Approved Changes to Ph.D. Form -- is used to request and approve any changes in the concentration or makeup of your degree pursuit.
Admit To Candidacy Form
Admit to Candidacy Form -- is used upon passing the preliminary examination, the student is advanced to candidacy. This advancement signifies that the doctoral student is capable of conducting independent research with the guidance of his/her dissertation committee. The chairperson of the student’s doctoral committee should initiate the advancement to candidacy forms and submit four copies to the Dean of the School.
Prospectus Approval Form
Prospectus Approval Form -- signifies that the candidate's chairperson and committee have approved what is typically the first three chapters of the dissertation. This form requires reference to Human Subjects Committee approval date, if applicable.
Dissertation Approval Form
Dissertation Approval Form -- is used in the preparation of the dissertation and final oral examination, the candidate should work with the doctoral committee chairperson and consult with other members of the dissertation committee, as needed, and as required by the chairperson. Students should follow the Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting the Dissertation.
Dissertation Oral Defense Form
Dissertation Oral Defense Form -- is used as approval of the candidate's final oral defense and is used with the Dissertation Approval Form. (Note: The Graduate School requires signatures on both forms.) The candidate should work with the doctoral committee chairperson and consult with other members of the dissertation committee, as needed, and as required by the chairperson. Students should follow the Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting the Dissertation.