Dean's Office School of Education Wham 115 Mailcode 4624
Faculty Mentoring Program
The mentoring program in the School of Education is designed to promote the development of productive academic careers on new tenure-track faculty. The Dean of the School will match new tenure-track faculty members who choose to participate in the program with an Associate or Professor to serve as a mentor. The program is entirely voluntary for both the mentor and protégé.
Role of the Mentor
Mentors guide and facilitate the academic career of a new or junior level faculty member. Mentoring activities may include:
Assisting the protégé in getting acquainted with SIU and SOE policies and procedures
Supporting the protégé's professional development activities
Helping the protégé assimilate into the profession at the national level
Advising the protégé on the promotion and tenure process
Collaborating on research where appropriate
Assisting with locating resources to help with on campus on on-line course development providing feedback on grant proposals, manuscripts, and conference presentations
Additional SOE Mentoring Activities
New faculty orientation in the fall
Orientation to the mentoring program for all participants
Development of mentor/protégé relationships
In-service training applying for grants, publishing in refereed journals, and excellence in teaching
Watermark Users
The utilization of Watermark, an electronic assessment system, allows educational students the opportunity to develop electronic portfolios and submit assignments online. It allows a holistic framework for reflection upon the central issues of teaching and learning, aligned with reflective writing required of candidates at earlier levels in the Teacher Education Programs. The portfolio involves process as well as a product; you will create a meaningful record of your performance during your course of study, during professional semester and to engage in ongoing reflection while applying your new teaching skills.