Last Updated: Feb 07, 2025, 11:43 AM
Please use the following FAQ to familiarize yourself with the dual credit faculty credentials.
What is Dual Credit?
Dual Credit is an instructional arrangement where an academically qualified high school student enrolls in a college-level course and, upon successful course completion, concurrently earns both college credit and high school credit. Dual Credit is governed by Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) Administrative Rules (section 1501.507-11), Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) Administrative Rules (23 Illinois Administrative Code 1009.30), and the Dual Credit Quality Act.
What is a Dual Credit Endorsement?
A Dual Credit Endorsement, as designated in 110 ILCS 27/Dual Credit Quality Act, is an endorsement valid for grades 11-12 to be placed on the Professional Educator License (PEL) at the request of an instructor who meets the appropriate credential standards.
The Dual Credit Endorsement is a Content Specific Endorsement. It is a recognized credential that will help with the portability of approved coursework for qualified high school dual credit teachers across the State of Illinois.
Who is eligible to seek the Dual Credit Endorsement?
Educators with a Professional Educators license (PEL) who currently hold an endorsement at the secondary level may seek the dual credit endorsement.
Can the Endorsement be added to the PEL of school support personnel or an administrator?
The Dual Credit Endorsement can be added to any PEL; teaching, SSP, or administrative areas are acceptable.
Can the Dual Credit Endorsement be added to any license other than the PEL?
No, the Dual Credit Endorsement can only be added to the Professional Educator License.
How do I qualify for the Dual Credit Endorsement on my PEL?
You must hold a qualified master’s degree or any master’s degree with 18 graduate credit hours of coursework in the desired discipline.
How can I obtain the Dual Credit Endorsement through SIU?
- Step 1-Apply to SIU using one of the following options:
- Option A (Content Specific-18 graduate credits hours)-Apply as a non-degree seeking student. This option is ideal for an applicant who already has a Master’s (in anything) and only needs the 18 credit hours of discipline specific courses to qualify for the Dual Credit Endorsement.
- Option B (M.S.Ed in Curriculum & Instruction)-Apply directly to the Master of Science in Education program in Curriculum & Instruction. This option is ideal for an applicant who, in addition to the 18 credit hours of discipline specific courses, also needs to earn a Master’s to be eligible for the Dual Credit Endorsement. The M.S.Ed program includes the 18 credit hours of discipline specific courses needed for the Dual Credit Endorsement. Choose this option even if your intent is to focus solely on discipline specific courses first and pursue the M.S.Ed courses later.
- Step 2-Email dualcredit@siu.edu and notify them that you have applied and intend to seek the Dual Credit Endorsement in a specified content area.
- Step 3-Checkout SIU's Dual Credit course offerings and online schedule to see when courses are being offered. If you applied to the M.S.Ed program, an advisor will contact you about registering for courses.
- Step 4-Claim your Dawtag and SIU email address once you receive notice that you have been admitted to the graduate school. Your Dawtag is a personal ID number that will allow you to access email, Salukinet (registration system), Desire 2 Learn (D2L-the learning management system) and other resources.
- Step 5-Complete the Dual Credit Enrollee Form. All applicants pursuing the endorsement must complete this form regardless of status as an undeclared graduate or one pursuing a masters. In addition to regularly advertised graduate funding opportunities, funds are available specifically for educators pursuing the Dual Credit Endorsement. Completing the Dual Credit Enrollee Form is required and will give you access to specially earmarked funding opportunities
- Step 6-Register for courses. Pay your bursar bill and purchase any books needed.
Are scholarships, assistantships and/or tuition assistance available?
Yes, tuition assistance is available to educators who hold professional educator’s license and who commit to completing the dual credit endorsement through SIU. You must complete the Dual Credit Enrollee Form to qualify.
Helpful Links
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Illinois State Board of Education