Grow Your Own Teachers


Last Updated: Mar 24, 2025, 02:48 PM


  • The Mission Of GYO Illinois Is To:

    • Support the education and excellence of GYO teacher candidates and graduates;
    • Advocate for policies that facilitate increasing the number of teachers of color; and
    • Coordinate and align the work of innovative partnerships among universities, community colleges, school districts and community organizers that make up the GYO consortia across the state.
  • The Priorities Of GYO Illinois Include:

    • Creating a pipeline of highly qualified teachers of color (GYO defines highly qualified as pedagogical and subject matter content mastery and a high degree of cultural competence)
    • Supporting GYO teachers once they are in the classroom
    • Advocating to close the teacher-student diversity gap across Illinois
  • Impacts As A Result Of Meeting Our Goals:

    • Improving teacher retention in low-income schools (saving much needed resources and stabilizing the culture of schools)
    • Recruiting excellent teachers for hard-to-staff schools and hard-to-fill positions
    • Improving student achievement in high needs schools
    • Increasing teachers’ cultural competence and community connections
  • GYO Illinois

    Grow Your Own Teachers became law in 2004. Beginning in fiscal year 2007, state legislators began making annual appropriations in the state budget to support the program. The GYO statute outlines the parameters of the program detailing eligibility and requirements during and after the program. In FY2020, GYO IL was named the administrator of the state's GYO grant program. GYO IL now proudly provides grants to 5 locally-run programs across the state with approximately 250 teacher candidates. Learn more about GYO IL!